Plastiki is a boat that is made mostly out of plastic to draw attention to all of the plastic waste in the ocean. The plan of the plastiki is that it will sail from San Francisco to australia.
I think the plastiki is an amazing achievment since the boat is nearly made completely out of plastic. Its also really amazing the rest of the boat is made out of other materials that can be recycled.
There is actually a cause also. Its not like somebody was just bored and decided to make this. This is to draw attention of how carelessly we throw plastic. Even more the plastiki is going to sail through that huge plastic mass in the ocean about twice the size of texas, the second biggest state in the US.
Nice entry here, Will. You've got great information about the boat, plus a lot about their larger mission.
Keep up the good work, Will.
Nice work will, you understand why they are doing this. Good job.
Cool post Will. You did some good writing but I am disappointed that you did'nt spell Australia with a capital A.
that was awsome will you had lot of good infomation your picture was stuning and the style of yor wright is great.
Wow nice VWILL!!!! good info about the plastiki and the reason why they're doing it. GOOD JOB BRO!!!
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